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Poetic License
8:37 PM - Friday, January 13, 2012

"A poet's autobiography is his poetry. Anything else is just a footnote" - Yevgeny Yevtushenko

After a particularly enjoyable & memorable week, it is time to reorganize and focus again. This morning was a little bit of a mess; with me being a scatterbrain again, leaving my work laptop at home when I've already placed it beside my work-bag on the way out. However, I'm glad all was resolved (thanks to a particularly patient taxi-driver).

Anyway, fast-forward to 2 hours later (which is now): I've completed Part I of a difficult report due end of this month and then received a call from my chairman informing that my 2 other colleagues and I would be complained about by a member of public for our apparent "rude" customer service. Which leads me to wonder "how does working for community events include sweeping up the loose leaves outside your corridor?!". In my earlier conversation with this "gentle"man, I've related to him firmly that we had contacted the relevant Environmental Agency to look into the matter and he needs to be patient with their answer. My assertive tone was deliberately misinterpreted by the raving lunatic as unacceptable. Well, my answer to that: Suit yourself Mister, complain your bald head off, I won't let 1 bugger get me down :)

Then again, feeling the stress from my report deadline, I started on a mandarin orange (though I still have a little sore throat & cough) and surfing a little bit online. Don't know what inspired me to have this urge to look for my old profile on a poetry website called darkpoetry.com (Had and "emo" phrase in my life circa 2004-05 and started writing some dark poems, using it as an outlet to vent my angst). It wasn't an uphill task to look for my personal page...& lest to say, some of my old poems tickled me a fair bit (was I that angsty or did I have too much free time on my hands?!).
Thought it would be interesting to post the link anyway: http://www.darkpoetry.com/node/user/5672

Kinda refreshing to read some of my old works, and though they are not light-hearted reading at all, it made me reminisce on the old me and puts a smile on my face.

I am indeed glad that the me now has evolved into someone that is not emo or angsty: I'mma loving myself more and more! ...Thank God! :p (Phew!)

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