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Too much time, too little faith
11:52 AM - Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Faith is like electricity; you can't see it, but you can see the light." - Unknown

Ok...that hair & skinny jeans...Criminal!

Aimless in Singapore & in between spamming my CV over career websites, I decided to indulge in couch-potatology by watching loads of internet TV. Total visual carnage: 2 seasons/26 episodes worth of Eli Stone in 4 days flat. Fans or viewers of this show would know that it consists of religious-bearing content & the 2nd season's finale ended with, of course, the likes of such a message: An atheist initially being denied of a heart of a "Christian" girl with strict Christians parents.

As the lawyers were arguing their notion, it began to dawn on me how much of my faith had vapourized over the last 13 years or so. By now, it is a known fact that I'm a believer of Christ, albeit a lousy non-chruch going one. But when I was between 13-17, a teenager exploring & still suffering under the cruel hands of puberty, I was an enthusiastic member of a church & cell group. Heck, I even attended bible study classes, prayed on my knees and got myself baptised. However, somewhere along the way, I decided that I could achieve things on my own effort & that prayer should be carried out only when I need something (like good academic results, lottery luck etc). I became complacent & as expected, I left the church, did whatever pleases me & got myself a nice collection of skin art. Though for the skin art part, I have never regretted discovering my love for them (reserve the eye-rolling & judgement to yourself, thank you very much...). I have never felt as much guilt for kicking my religion & faith to the curb til a few weeks back when something quite epic happened which made me reaccess my attitude towards life, people & especially myself.

I would not elaborate more on that because I didn't want to risk a preachy post, plus, religion has & will always be a taboo subject. What I can say now is that a change is underway. I just told Mavis a few hours ago: Funny how it is so easy to cross over to the dark side, & so bloody difficult to turn over a new leaf. I know it is no mean feat, but from today onwards, I will be making baby steps into becoming an even better person, with the restored faith to boot.

P.S: Shout-out to the Big guy above, for never losing faith on this complacent & blinded young lady.

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