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Full Circle...Part I
8:20 AM - Monday, July 07, 2008

Many issues, from the most insignificant to the most significant had been resolved this past week. Thought I'll post part I of this blog (cos I'm super tired to blog the whole thing) first, then continue part II with something more serious the next time round when I've had more sleep.

For starters, I've just completed my 3rd tatt! The extension of the nautical star I did nearly 5 years back & had grown out of. After some discussion I decided on a butterfly & twirl impression & had decided to shade the blue part of my star to black. (should have shaded the pink part red now thinking about it...I'm still at a loss as to whether I should ask for the star to be shaded red in 2weeks when I return for touch-up). So now the issue about my incomplete star had finally came to a full circle. I really like it! All of my friends who had seen it agreed it was much better than the old tatt, & the twirls are lovely. So, yep, I'm happy!


I replaced my face with a smiley as this side profile of mine was found to be unflattering. lol...

Should I or should I not shade the pink part red? Decisions, decisions...Confused!

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