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Cambiamento...coming soon
10:08 AM - Saturday, June 09, 2007

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. - Alan Cohen

Today, I had a humbling experience in the dental clinic while taking x-rays for fitting of braces. By humbling, I mean that being a rather prideful person, I get embarrassed easily. But because I really need to get the x-rays done, I have not much of a choice except to follow all the procedures. Some involved taking pictures of different profiles whilst smiling dumbly with my full set of teeth exposed. Also, I needed to take an x-ray of my front jaw, but the nurse did not tell me that there was residual plasticine mould stuck on my face prior to taking the x-ray. No wonder one of the dental assistant was trying to stifle a silent giggle. That, to me, thus accounts to a humbling experience. However, my slight embarrassment was quickly replaced with joy cause the dentist told me that my teeth were originally white and nice already, so after my braces, I would have real nice teeth. My case was a case of protruding lower jaw, an overbite of my lower jaw, so no teeth needed to be extracted (I already have 2 lesser teeth than the norm). I'm only doing braces because a) I'm really vain and b) I don't like the 4mm gap between 2 teeth on my lower jaw (yes, I really measured the gap distance, never mind the parallax error). So it's really more of a want than a need.

So anyhows, I think I will be fitting in the actual brace next saturday. Which makes my next saturday a real hectic day as I have dental appointment at 930am, another appointment for my eyes at mt elizabeth at 11am and driving at 5pm. Basically, my next saturday is packed, packed, packed to the fullest possible brim. & while my next saturday gets packed to the brim, my bank account shall get depleted to the lowest possible pit. My mum has agreed to help me pay for my braces first, but the opt for my eyes would be fully paid by my own means. Actually I'm still deliberating on whether or not to do the eyelid opt, on one hand I'm totally sick of my slity eyes, but on the other, that will set me back by 3K...my entire savings, blown in the name of vainity...with no extra left for me to do anything if, touch wood, something goes wrong. So I may need to still wait till I got more money reserves. But the fitting of braces is a confirmed thing. I think what fuelled my desire to do the opt is because I have been using the damn eyelid glue for nearly 2 years now and yet not merely a hint of double eyelid had appeared. Once I remove the glue, my eyes revert to their scary, small, slity form. Really think those with big/non-slit-like eyes or double eyelid people are damn lucky man. Call my thinking or actions extreme, but, when you never have a chance to live a day as a slity, single eyelid person, you will never fully understand her pain.

Anyway, exam results are out, but I'm not exactly thrilled about it. A drop of gpa equates an instant dip in my moodstick. I'm hoping for better results in the coming sem since Im not planning to take any elects for the whole of the new study year. Well, one can only hope. *prays hard*

Guess that's all of my ramblings for today. My bed beckons for its tired owner to get some rest. So, adios for now!

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