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Good Samaritan...Finally. :D ... :/ ... :) ... :(
7:28 AM - Friday, March 09, 2007

Death hangs over thee, While thou still live, while thou may, do good. - Marcus Aelius Aurelius

I wonder why it took me so long to do a better than just passable deed. I guessed I've ran out of explanations for why I've never donated blood. The last time I tried providing as much of an inch of sound justification, I was greeted with much eye-rolling activity and aghast from 2 of my best pals. Bao was telling me about the advantages of donating blood (improving metabolism, cleans up your blood system, blah blah blah...) & SY was giving me a mini-lecture on how my excuse of me being afraid of needles was pointless+ridiculous. I mean, the tv always shows how thick those blood-donating needles are right? The possibility of being pricked by one rather much scares me. Then again, I understand how SY doesn't take my excuse cos I've got more than an average number of piercings and a few tattoos. & being my bestie for 10 years, she knows innately I've got a high threshold for pain. So to shatter the "stop-pretending-you-are-a-pussycat-when-you-are-a-tiger" image, I decided once and for all, to donate blood. It is happening on 15th march, 1.30p.m. My first ever experience with the excruciatingly thick needle. Yes, you heard it right ... I, Melissa Leong, am donating blood for the first time in my life... & I'm not sure if I'm proud of it. :p

But...it is considered a good deed right? *all doe-eyed*

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