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Looking forward to a Great year ahead...can't stress that enough.
9:57 AM - Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The merry year is born, like the bright berry from the naked thorn. - Hartley Coleridge

Somehow, something in me just tells me that 2007 would treat me more kindly than 2006. At least, I would like to believe that in 2007, optimism would finally find me. 2006 was quite a crappy year for me, with my dad's accident, high stress levels, tough luck, confused thoughts and other shocking/unplesant realisations. I aim to avoid such situations from happening this year. Perhaps one of the reasons why I'm feeling more optimistic than usual is because as 2006 comes to a close, some better things have finally started coming my way. As nervous as I was in anticipation of my first sem results, I was glad that I fared quite well...& I was so freaking scared ok. I thought I did like crap cos I gave up writing my answers seriously @ the last half hour of the biochem paper (I lost hope and began writing slowly, my head resting on the table in resignation) In the end, all ended well (thanks a lot to the moderation system of ntu) and I managed a GPA of 4.67 out of a possible 5, & this I got to thank God for blessing me.

Another good thing that had happened is that a trip down on the weighing scale told me that I lost 8kgs in the later half of 2006. Woot! That's better news for me because I'm finally on the way to a healthier lifestyle. These came from forcing myself to jog although jogging is my most hated exercise in the whole wide world...& I also did gymming regularly. I certainly hope to continue this exercise regime through 2007 and make sensible food choices, which means, lesser oily and deep fried stuff, and more fruit juices and veggies.

So anyways, I took some random pics over the X'mas and New year holiday season, & I decided to post some pics up realising the sad number of pictures I post on my blog...so here's some shyte. :p

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Sy, Me, Bao & the Pinky X'mas Tree!!!

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Us again...

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Feeling as pink as the tree.

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ML, me & the huge X'mas deco

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Trina & me, soaking up the festive spirit

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The huge tree @ Vivocity (I circled myself for comparison's sake. Tee hee...)

Hols are ending in a few days time, & I hope for a great sem ahead (and many great great sems) and most of all, as many would agree that health is wealth, I wish for excellent health for all the people in my family, especially my much loved mum, my siblings, myself & of cos, my dad... I hope he would be able to stand up and walk in 2007.

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