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Disillutioned about Resolutions...but anyway...
11:36 AM - Monday, December 25, 2006

Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. - Mark Twain, Sagittarius

A few nights ago, I typed a considerably long blog about the topic "envy" and spent around 2hrs of my precious time on it. (heck, I even thought of a blog title which had a nice ring to it...) Then, horrors of horrors, my effort went down the drain because blogspot, being elusive, decided to played a prank on me by doing some site maintenance shit and voila! (in a sarcastic undertone), my whole blog went up in smoke, never to be revived again, despite me searching furiously in my internet history or clicking the "<---back" tab. I hate to admit it, but how could I commit the folly of not saving it as a draft copy from time to time??!! (at this point I shall click "save as draft"). So anyways, after a string of !@#$%^&*(), I calmed down and convinced myself that maybe God just didn't want me to blog about that particular topic, or that it is simply fated that I was unable to publish my post. So anyway, I shall give up on "envy" and blog about something else instead.

There comes a time in the year that some people draw up a list of resolutions, and when is a better time than the end of the year? We all know that it is nearing the end of 2006. So, after brainstorming on a whole year that had passed, some people do reality checks and decide that in the coming year, they will get serious about achieving some things. Some people I know have a list of unfulfilled desires (sometimes the same every year, but they still bother to do a new one anyway) written out every year just to remind ourselves that us, the exclusive class of mammals, the Homo sapiens, who know how to read, write and communicate with something called language, should have goals in our lives and aim to fulfil them. (wa lao, I choose a really exaggerated way to put it...lol). & because I tend to think that resolutions should be made and dispelled as and when I feel like it, I don't exclusively write a list of resolutions only at the end of the year to kick start a new year. I just usually make a few resolutions when I bloody well feel like it and try to (sad to say, sometimes half-heartedly) fulfil them. But today, for the heck of it, or should I say, to be more serious about my life for once, let me just try to conjure a list of new year resolutions. So here goes... ... ...

The coveted list of new year resolutions for Melissa Leong in the year 2007:

  1. To lose 12kgs (1kg per month, a realistic goal :))
  2. To spend more time with mum & people who matter
  3. To travel and see the world more
  4. To study hard and achieve good GPAs
  5. To keep lesser late nights
  6. To obtain my driving license
  7. To get double eyelid surgery done (hate hate hate my small slity eyes but doubt I can save enough cos I'm such a bloody spendthrift, but I will try anyway)
  8. To spend more time on excercise
  9. To have a healthier diet
  10. To basically lead a healthier lifestyle
  11. To start saving some serious money
  12. To find the time to relax and laugh at myself (simply, to take myself less seriously sometimes)
  13. To be less of a worry-wart
  14. To be more confident
  15. To be more patient and tolerant (even to some idiots who don't really deserve it)
  16. To build & maintain good friendships/relationships
  17. To find the time to thank people and show appreciation more often (esp. to mum whom I sometimes take for granted)
  18. To build baby-step towards my ultimate goal of setting up a cafe, like, do market research etc etc.
  19. To be more honest about my feelings
  20. ... ... ... and the list shall stop for now because my poor brains can't think about serious stuff now.

& For the fun of it, I shall also make an absolutely frivolous list of things that can never/hardly be able to fulfil.

The Frivolous and absolutely Ridiculous list of resolutions for Melissa Leong in the year 2007:

*cue Drumrollllllllllllllll*

  1. To meet Wentworth Miller
  2. To meet Tom Welling
  3. To meet Hugh Grant
  4. To meet Keanu Reeves
  5. To Meet Johnny Deep
  6. To meet Rodrigo Santoro (I figured out meeting is not enough, so...)
  7. To kiss Wentworth Miller!
  8. To kiss kiss kiss Rodrigo Santoro!!! (worth kissing 100Xs)
  9. To kiss Elvin ?? (shall keep the surname identity a secret cos I just feel like it!)
  10. Heck. TO KISS ALL THE HANDSOME FAMOUS MEN!!! (now I sound really desperate)
  11. To strike 2 miilion bucks in 4D or whatever D or big sweep or whatever sweep !
  12. To slap Lindsay Lohan! (stupid airhead)
  13. To slap Paris Hilton (another stupid airhead)
  14. To slap Nicole Richie (she completes the unholy trinity of the above airheads)
  15. To slap Britney Spears (her underwear or the lack- of- it incident disgusts me)
  16. To slap all the stupid airheaded celebs that I see on: www.superficial.com
  17. To be so damn freaking gorgeous! (now I'm acting like an airhead)
  18. ... ... ... and the list continues

(Footnote: This is meant to be a lighthearted albeit bimbotic list meant for me to just express things that I can only do in my fantasies, and I already said that this list is supposed to be frivolous.)

Well anyway, one can dream of fulfilling all of the above right?

Happy 2007 everyone!

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