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A brief affair...flight.
11:06 AM - Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oh, wouldn't the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at? - W.S. Gilbert

Week 2... & I am still suffering from the aftermath of jetlag, sleepless nights and lethargi-city. I had grand plans that upon coming back, I would hone my culinary skills to even greater heights and read even more books to widen my perspective. But with week 2 coming to a close, these plans had remained a futile dream. The question is: "Will I regain the zest/energy to fulfill these "prophercies" I set myself?

Yes, I might never be able to fully recover from reminiscing fondly about this unforgettable 6 months I spent in Sverige. I might start irritating my friends a fair bit with the complaints about my sunny island and whining about wanting to go back to Sverige/turn back time. I might even fall into slight derange-ness and start blabbering gibberish to everyone just to comfort myself. But that is me... I am a passive-aggressive melodramatic queen, and by admitting that, I'm entitled to feel whatever hell I want (even if I did not admit, I am still entitled...I believe) & instead of fighting such emotions, I rather vent them all out, cos I know sooner or later, I will get over it. However, if I choose to suffer in silence, the slow stirrings of my heart would switch to turbo-mode & threaten to burst through the seams.

Ok! I am over-exaggerrating. But this is hardly unfair for someone who had just spent 6 best months of her life. Afterall, how many memorable 6 months in life can a person get? How many experiences can parallel my experience? I'm just very glad and thankful that I'm still considerably young and my brain, like the pensive in "Harry Potter", can still recall memories without too much of an effort.

Sunny island is good. Sunny and humid and overcrowded but still safe and clean and good. So good that I sometimes feel bad when I still dream of flight. I still wanna fly away from here. I wish I will never end up in a situation in which I get too comfortable in sunny island. Cos it will mean that my dream of flight will have to take a backseat. Still so many other things I wana write...but I shall remain ambiguous for now. I love the element of mystery.

End of rant. I know it might sound random. Abrupt even. But it feels quite good. I promised to keep this a brief affair. Until I am more inspired...here's Steven Tyler's sexy lips for you!

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