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And Big Girls Don't Cry...
1:33 PM - Friday, April 10, 2009
"Sometimes accidents happen in life which we have need of a little madness to extricate ourselves successfully" - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
Agility & alertness are just some of the things one loses with age, and I've learnt this fact in a hard way . After a safe 2 months riding my bike around Lund, I finally messed up, crashed, & busted my face real bad.
My less than perfect face now...
I can hardly open my left eye, but I'm kinda lovin' this look...makes me appear more grunge. Duncha agree?
Busted my knees and elbow as well...& basically my whole left leg was scratched. Luckily the new tatt on my left thigh escaped unscathed...or else the healing process would have resulted in a raised tattoo.
Wounded left knee
Wounded right knee
Wounded left elbow
It appears that I am a walking "recipe for disaster" whose on a streak of bad luck off late... A bad fall combined with a terrible cold... that's double whammy for you. A girl does not get this "lucky". I drop things, set off fire alarms & get frightened all the time. My corridor mates can vouch to that.
First off, I'm always dropping frozen chicken drumsticks on the floor, Byron had seen it happening before. I can also count on two occassions whereby I was toasting baguettes in the oven and forgot they were actually toasting, as a result, they got burnt and the fire alarms sounded. There was also once whereby the alarm went off in my room due to Gerald's wise idea: that I could warm up my room during winter (about 2 months ago) by switching on my shower tap to the hottest and allowing it to steam up my room. & the countless times I had jumped out of my skin due to sudden appearances of some of my corridor mates from the kitchen/their rooms. The funniest was when I fell on my butt while opening my room door cos Eric suddenly emerged from the kitchen. From the corner of my eye, I registered a tall, dark shadow which immediately set off adrenaline release and a jump reflex. As my hand was stuck to the lanyard tied to my keys, the jump jammed my hand tighter to the lanyard and I somehow fell on my butt. Don't ask me why. It just happened. & I was labelled weird because of that.
However, the recent bike accident takes the cake for the worst thing that could happen to me in Lund (I'm seriously suspecting if I can make it back to Sg alive on 7th July). I still remebered exactly where and how I flew. It was on the steep slope near the mathematics building on the cold, rainy night of Lapo's birthday. We were making our way to VG's and I was cycling at full speed behind Andreas & by the time I realised my front wheel was too near his back wheel and braked, it was too late. I also forgot that I was no longer 80kgs and gravity was becoming less of a friend to me. I just flew out parallel from my bike and landed on my face (Golf later made a bad joke by calling me "Singapore Airlines", since I'm Singaporean & I told him I flew off my bike. He even asked me to practise safe landing...what audacity!). However, I did not head home after the accident, I went on my way to VG's and continued to party. 5 hours later whilst removing make-up from my face, I screamed into the mirror. The following day, I met Golf in town to buy some cream for my face and everyone was staring at me...they must be thinking "Victim of Domestic Violence alert..."Asian wife kena whacked by Swedish husband". So there you have it, the pictures explained why I screamed into the mirror.
On a happier note, I've finally received closure for something that was bugging my mind. In fact when the first time it happened, I knew the answer why some things are just not possible, but I needed to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. So the second time around, I was much more forthright and I finally heard the answer I knew all along but wanted to be spoken from the first party. Thus, it was closure for me. It's like releasing a trapped dove from the cage. I'm free to move on and stop wasting time. I wish sincerely for my sis, Mavis, to receive that kind of closure from M, so she could move on as well. Sadly, I have yet to receive that closure from K...I'm still waiting after 5 years for him to tell me why. Most days on my way to school in Sg, I'm happy & upbeat, but I can't help feeling nostalgic whenever the tube passes thru' that certain station. It's like a replay of memories combined with a fear of seeing him enter from that station. I still feel the same all these years for him, perhaps even now...even when he had in a few occassions, appearing when he's in a period of down and disappearing when he feels like it. I don't know why I bothered in the first place. But I guess sometimes certain things just cannot be explained.
On an even happier note, I will be doing lots of travelling this last half of April!!! Mum will be coming soon with Granny and my coolest Aunt, Joanne! We will be covering Germany - Berlin and Heidelberg; Austria - Vienna and hopefully I can go to Copenhagen again! I loved Copenhagen! After I get back on the 22nd, I will set off for Norway on the Oslo cruise trip from the 24th to 27th. This will be followed closely by London, which I will be doing alone from 29th April to 4th May. Mum had given me the green light to wander alone in London myself using her credit card...& I managed to buy air tickets, book accomodations and booked bus transits to and fro London central and Standsted airport with S$368.70 flat! I just need to worry about food (which I'm planning to survive on a loaf of bread and other cheap crap I can find) and tube transport within central London. How cool is that!!?? It will be my first time travelling alone and I learnt so much whilst buying air tickets and booking for accomodations myself (Thanks Cheong for some help). I can't wait to see Hyde park, Buckingham Palace, Westend theatre and lots of other attractions!!!
I'm also in planning for my Summer trip, which I would embark on starting from 7th June. The current plan will see me starting from France --> Spain --> Portugal --> Italy --> Czech Republic --> Belgium --> Poland/Hungary (haven't decided which one, I would like to do both if I had more time but I have to fly back on 7th July) and then back to Copenhagen where I will fly home. The total air ticket costs would be within 300 euros if I'm lucky enough. So, I'm feeling "Hella good" right now! ;p