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A short Post-exam Rant
9:00 AM - Thursday, November 27, 2008

I just had the hardest semester of my uni life...if I survive, I might as well consider myself a full-fledged grad (cos next sem's in Sweden and is ungraded...nanenanepoopoo...). But several things/elements/whatever had started staging their protests and it's time I hear their call of distress... ... ... ... ...

The masks from my fridge cries out to me: "When are you gonna use us?! We have been rotting over the past month, unloved, untouched & feeling absolutely isolated. We need your attention!"

My skin cries out to me: "You're dehydated. Wrinkles are expected to appear in less than 5 years time if you continue to disregard me. Your eyecream failed on you, even though you are using clinique super whitening eye cream spf15...you may need to switch to the more atas Hylexin soon. You should not have been such a lazy bitch, just slapping on toner & eyecream but not using your faithful moisturizer left collecting dust. You need to abstain from coffee...you have had 30 cups in 14 days. You need sleep, you have stolen too much petty time from it. 5 hours should be multiplied by 2 to make 10hours...that's the amount of sleep you should be getting a day this month to restore skin pH, elasticity & combat the dreaded and seldom seen pimples."

My body cries out to me: "You are getting unfit. You need to resume your jogs, yoga, combat and pump sessions pronto. Your gym membership is expiring in a month's time but your tummy is still softer than konnyaku jelly. Your arms are losing their tone. You are so getting muscle aches if you excercise now, but you must because you can't transport your yoga mat & weights to Sweden, which means you are gonna have flabby arms & stiff joints for 6 months. Would you want that?!"

My pre-exchange preparations cries out to me: "Where's your residence permit? When is your mfa award $ coming in? When is your winter clothings gonna be bought? When will you consolidate your toiletry list? Your packing list?"

I'm so fucked. I have up til now, 37 items in my toiletry list alone. Being a girl is so tough.

The eyebags under my eyes tremble and the dark eye rings sing their melancholic symphony. My bed beckons...wanting me to lie there for at least 10 hours.

Now, excuse me while I run off to do a mask.

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